Removal of winter tires permitted as of Wednesday

(Montreal) Motorists in Quebec who wish to do so will be permitted as of this Wednesday to remove winter tires from their vehicles in order to install summer tires or all-season tires.

Posted at 6:17 a.m.

In Quebec, the use of winter tires is mandatory from 1er December until March 15, inclusive.

The authorities, however, suggest that motorists be patient. When the outside temperature is 7 degrees Celsius or less, summer and all-season tires offer less road grip than winter tires. Also, even though the spring equinox will arrive next Sunday, more snowfall is possible over the next few weeks.

In any case, motorists will eventually be asked to remove their winter tires, even if this is not compulsory.

CAA-Quebec reminds you that winter tires are made of thermal rubber specially designed to retain its elasticity when the temperature drops. However, this rubber disintegrates much more quickly under the effect of heat and the risk of the tire bursting increases.

In addition, winter tires are more resistant to the pavement, which makes driving noisier and increases fuel consumption. And driving with winter tires in the summer makes evasive maneuvers more difficult in an emergency.

CAA-Quebec also reports that a vehicle traveling at 100 kilometers per hour in the rain will require a braking distance of 93.8 meters if it is shod with winter tires, compared to 74.3 meters if it is fitted with all-season tires.

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