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2:18 p.m. : Spotted near the Place de la Nation, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his hat. After this passage through the march for the climate, the “rebellious” candidate must present, at the end of the afternoon, the figure of his presidential program.
2:03 p.m. : In addition to Yannick Jadot, the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo has announced that she will join the ranks of the “Look up” march in Paris. The procession must start in the next few minutes from Place de la Nation, to reach Place de la République.
1:50 p.m. : What would Yannick Jadot’s first concrete step be if he were elected president? “I would massively install photovoltaic panels on the roofs of schools, car parks, supermarkets”in order to support employment and “the purchasing power” and “avoid dependence on Russian gas”he replied.
2:08 p.m. : “Ecology is at the same time peace, climate and purchasing power.“
A few minutes from a new march for the climate in Paris, the environmental candidate was the guest of the “13 hours” of France 2. “The only means of pressure for Vladimir Putin to stop is to stop importing gas and oil”he argued, seeing this as a way to accelerate the energy transition.
2:07 p.m. : Eric Zemmour’s campaign team announces that the candidate “will not file a complaint against the man who threw an egg at him in Moissac”. He would have “even asked that this man be released from police custody to talk to him”.
12:11 p.m. : “We see which side is the violence. There are people who do not support the democratic debate.”
After a man crushed an egg on his head in Moissac, the leader of Reconquest! continues its journey. He appears alongside the mayor of the town, Romain Lopez, former parliamentary attaché of Marion Maréchal.

12:24 p.m. : It’s noon, we rewind the news of the morning:
• A man was shot dead in the Old Port this morning after stabbing a municipal police officer, hit in the wrist. According to the Minister of the Interior, who was in Marseilles, the attacker was not “not known to the police and he would not have a criminal record”.
• Eric Zemmour was targeted by an egg throw during a campaign trip to Moissac (Tarn-et-Garonne). The author of the gesture, immediately arrested, would have justified his action by the controversial remarks made by the candidate on the education of disabled children.
• The Russian agency Roscosmos mentioned a risk of“water landing” or“landing” forced from the ISS, due to a possible disruption of the Russian part in charge of the orbit of the structure. She calls for the end of Western sanctions against Moscow. Follow our live.
• Nearly 150 demonstrations are planned across France to call on the candidates for the Elysée to take into account the climate emergency in the presidential campaign. These steps were called “Look up”, in reference to the film Don’t Look Upa metaphor for the climate crisis.
11:07 : On the move to Moissac (Tarn-et-Garonne), Eric Zemmour was targeted by an egg jet, according to our journalists on site. He was allegedly targeted by the father of a young man with a disability. In January, the Reconquest candidate! had criticized the policy of including children with disabilities in school.
10:53 : In Eric Zemmour’s camp, Nicolas Bay also criticizes the sanctions imposed on Moscow. “Who will be the victim of these sanctions? It’s the French”, he believes. He also opposes arms deliveries to Ukraine.
10:49 : On franceinfo, the Lutte Ouvrière candidate, Nathalie Arthaud, criticizes Western sanctions against Russia. “They will especially be suffered by the poorest population of Russia (…) and will have the effect of welding these women and men behind the dictator Putin”she dreads.
10:41 a.m. : Will Nicolas Sarkozy end up supporting Valérie Pécresse? “We would like him to express himself”said the former Minister of Defense and Senator LR de la Meuse, Gérard Longuet, grateful “a heavy silence” at this stage.
10:55 : This was to be Emmanuel Macron’s first campaign rally. The public meeting organized this afternoon in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) will finally take place without the Head of State, replaced on stage by two members of the government, Gérald Darmanin and Gabriel Attal.
10:31 a.m. : The entourage of the Head of State believes that the campaign will not be played on the project. “In 2017, the program was an issue of credibility. I think that, this year, he will not be judged on that, but more on the incarnation, his person”, assumes an LREM deputy. Here is my article.
10:30 a.m. : For the moment, the president-candidate has distilled some first measures and above all announced that he would not participate in any debate with the other candidates before the first round. “He cannot discuss with Poutine, then immediately afterwards with Poutou”defends Renaud Muselier, president of the Paca region, who joined him from LR.
10:29 : Which campaign for Emmanuel Macron? Against the backdrop of war in Ukraine, the outgoing president must report on his record, while explaining what he wants to do in the event of a second term. I present to you how he intends to get involved, in particular during meetings organized with the French.