The energy transition accelerated by the Ukrainian crisis

The leaders of the European Union meeting in Versailles have set themselves an objective: to completely do without Russian fossil products by 2027. First by diversifying sources of supply, but above all by intensifying the energy transition.

There is a real awareness that the pace must be seriously accelerated, investments in renewable energies must be stepped up, while ensuring the continent’s energy sovereignty.

The European Union is not starting from scratch. It has already set an ambitious objective on which it can rely: the reduction of its carbon dioxide emissions by 55% in 2030, compared to 1990, with to achieve this, considerable investments planned in electric batteries and hydrogen.

Voices are raised to call for the development of other sectors, new sectors. Example with the boss of Engie, Catherine MacGregor, which advocates that of biogas. The players in this sector, few in number, are asking the public authorities for a guaranteed price to promote their development in the coming years.

The political will is there, as is the funding, whether private or public. Decisions will be taken at European level; its leaders to assess what the price of the energy, financial and social transition will be.

The boss of Engie declares that it is necessary to consider lowering the temperature by one degree in the dwellings, to consume less gas, certain gas-intensive companies ask that the so-called comfort consumption be regulated.

But it seems unlikely that in France in any case immediate measures will be taken, except in absolute urgency, because the entourage of the new candidate, still President of the Republic, seems allergic to anything that closely or remotely resembles a form of decline.

source site-29
