Lucile (Love is in the meadow) thinned: goal -10kg despite some difficulties

Lucile is on a little cloud. Thanks to Love is in the meadow 2020 (M6), she met the man of her life in the person of Jérôme. The 40-year-old market gardener and she quickly became a couple following their love at first sight and since then they have never left each other. Next step for lovers: marriage. But before that, the former SPA Manager set herself a major challenge.

In October 2021, Lucile became the happy mother of a little girl named Capucine. And, like all pregnant women, she gained weight and therefore saw her figure transform. But at Christmas, Jérôme asked her for her hand, a marriage they want to celebrate next summer. The young mother therefore set herself the goal of losing weight before the big day, in order to feel good about herself. At the end of January, she revealed that she had lost 3.3 kilos. On March 9, 2022, she again took stock during a question and answer session.

One of her subscribers wanted to know if she had lost weight again since then. “I lost 4 kilos, but there really I stagnated with catering tastings, the agricultural show, friends at home. I am not in a phase of great loss. But I keep going, I won’t let go“, first replied Lucile. The latter realized that sometimes you have to know how to let go and “let things come back naturally“.”A linear and drastic loss would not be good. I must not be frustrated, otherwise I will not last. It’s all about health and enjoying life anyway. My goal, at least -10 kilos for the wedding“, she concluded. To achieve this, the former M6 contender does sport regularly as she reveals on her social networks and tries, as much as possible, to have a balanced diet. It remains to be seen whether this enough to lose the weight she wants before her union.

For now, Jerome and her have not yet chosen their alliances. But Lucile would see one in diamonds.

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