War in Ukraine | No limit to the number of refugees that Quebec can receive

(Montreal) The Minister of Immigration, Francisation and Integration, Jean Boulet, said Monday in Montreal that there is no limit to the number of Ukrainian refugees that Quebec is ready to welcome.

Posted at 12:39 p.m.

Pierre Saint-Arnaud
The Canadian Press

Mr. Boulet was in the metropolis to announce the granting of nearly $5 million to 14 community organizations working to welcome, integrate and francize newcomers.

The Minister said he does not yet know how many Ukrainian refugees Quebec will be called upon to welcome or when they will begin to arrive, these questions being the responsibility of Ottawa. Although he is in contact with his federal counterpart Sean Fraser, Mr. Boulet explained that it is still too early to know the answer to these questions.

On the other hand, mobilization is underway to prepare for this reception. The Minister explained that some 95 organizations are on high alert and that the recruitment of people who speak Ukrainian and Russian is going well.

Already, on Friday, Mr. Boulet had announced an investment of 5.7 million which will go to support the integration of these refugees. The objective is to facilitate obtaining a health insurance card, a driver’s license, the registration of children in school or daycare and so on.

Jean Boulet said that the first objective will be to help these refugees adapt to their new situation after the violent trauma they will have suffered because of the war that is ravaging their country.

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