This unique shot of Emmanuel Macron, exhausted during his call with Vladimir Poutine, is breathtaking

The battle is raging in Ukraine, but Emmanuel Macron, President of France, and of Europe currently, continues to keep the link with Vladimir Poutine, to try to stop everything. After 12 days of fighting between Russia and Ukraine, the French president also continues to fight to end this war. Day and night, the latter tries to reason with the Russian president, even if it means putting his health at risk.

After 5 difficult years at the Élysée, in particular with the arrival of the health crisis, unprecedented, in 2020, Emmanuel Macron must, to end his five-year term, face the war on his continent. A situation that he wants to stop as soon as possible, and for which he will stop at nothing. Determined, committed, but also exhausted, this is what Soazig de la Moissonnière, the official photographer of the Élysée, wanted to show the world. Through a unique and unpublished black and white shot, Emmanuel Macron appears on edge, tense, stressed, with black eyes and fixed on the phone.

His veins in his face and neck stand out, his left hand rests firmly on the desk. His right hand, outstretched fingers, she tries to explain what he feels. This intense, decisive, moving moment, the lens captured him during his call with President Putin on March 6, 2022.

A call not without consequence

On March 4, Russian troops bombed Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, Zaporozhye, causing terror. To be assured of his non-intention of a nuclear fight, Emmanuel Macron ordered an interview with the Russian President. During this call, the latter assured him that this “was not intending to carry out attacks on nuclear power plants”and says ready “to comply with the standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency for the protection of power plants”. A successful call for the French Head of State since his interlocutor gave his agreement for “that a dialogue begins between IAEA, Ukraine and Russia so that the power plants are made safe”.

A very meaningful photo for Europe, Ukraine and the World.

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