end of the mask and the vaccination pass on March 14

The Covid epidemic is not yet over but the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran and the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, believe that the epidemic is receding sufficiently and that the projections are good in the coming weeks. The pressure on hospitals is decreasing. The proof: almost all of the white plans activated in the event of increased activity have been lifted and non-urgent operations are again scheduled.

On the date, Monday March 14, the government is keeping its calendar. And at the rate things are going, he will probably achieve the goal he had set for announcing these reliefs: reaching a maximum of 1,500 Covid patients in intensive care. Today, there are 2,231 critical care patients.

On March 14, we won’t be able to remove the mask everywhere, but almost. It will be the end of the mask in the office, in the classes: at school, college, high school, university, in stores, in administrations, cinemas, theaters or even in shops. Two exceptions, the mask will remain compulsory in public transport: metro, train, bus, plane because of promiscuity.
Mask still compulsory also in hospitals, nursing homes, and in all medico-social establishments which receive disabled people, fragile public and therefore at risk.

The health pass, which is in force in hospitals and nursing homes, will nevertheless always be required at the entrance. It contains proof of vaccination, or contraindication to vaccination, or even a certificate of recovery after a Covid or finally a negative test.

The logic is always to protect vulnerable people. And it is in this logic that the mask remains recommended in certain cases, in particular for these fragile people who risk a serious form of Covid. For example immunocompromised people, transplant recipients, those being treated for serious cancer. The mask is obviously also recommended for positive people, risky contact cases, people who have symptoms and health professionals.

The government will take stock in mid-March, in 15 days, and depending on the epidemic situation, it could lift the last restrictions. Like the mask in transport for example.

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