Nicolas Sarkozy is expected at the bar


France 3

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Former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy is heard on Tuesday, November 2 as part of the Elysee polls affair. Nathalie Perez, journalist France Télévisions, covers the case from the courthouse in Paris.

It is a small event in the French legal and political world: Nicolas Sarkozy is called, Tuesday, November 2, to testify in the context of the trial of the Elysee polls. “This is a judicial first in France“, recalls the journalist Nathalie Perez, present at the courthouse in Paris.

Not showing up was not an option for Nicolas Sarkozy. On the other hand, he can remain silent or answer at least to these judges. He is protected by his presidential immunity “, develops Nathalie Perez, before recalling that “the facts date from the start of his five-year term”. “His team at the time, including Claude Guéant, had ordered polls for millions of euros for the Elysee. They are accused of not having respected the laws of public contracts. We will see how this will unfold. face to face between the judges and Nicolas Sarkozy“, details the journalist.

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