Two Creuse cows fly over the auction at the agricultural show

Eleven cows were presented this Monday, February 28 at the Limousine Label rouge auction, butcher’s meat, at the Agricultural Show. And the Creusoises flew over the sales. Jactance, from GAEC Lagautrière in Villard1,105 kg, 7.5 years old (born September 21, 2014) left for €9,000. It was bought by Leclerc de Châtellerault, in Vienne. And today’s record is for Novicea 5.5-year-old Limousine (born October 22, 2016) and 1,073 kg, from GAEC Desassure in Chéniers. She left for €10,000 ! It will end up on the plates of the Limoges slaughterhouse restaurant.

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