free courses to familiarize yourself with digital technology


France 3

Article written by

M. Arribe, M. Carrio, C. Brunet T. Mongellaz, S. Korwin – France 3

France Televisions

Emmaus and a hundred associations have expressed their dissatisfaction with the accelerated digitization of administrative procedures, which would cause inequalities in access to public services. To fight against this divide, volunteers organize free workshops, where everyone can become familiar with a computer.

Checking emails or searching the internet is always the same ordeal for a retired couple. Alain and Françoise live in a rural town in Orne. For a long time they have not had the opportunity to use a computer. After their retirement, they began to be more and more interested in it, but were unable to do their own administrative procedures. “We ask a lot of our daughter“, said the couple.

Like them, 13 million people suffer from illiteracy in France, and have difficulty using a computer. Jean-Luc therefore crisscrosses the villages with his bus, in order to train people in digital technology. Retirees learn the basics, like using the mouse and connecting to WI-FI. The workshops are free, financed by the department and an association. In the Paris region, lessons are also given every week to help the elderly, like young people, to use digital tools. To fight against the digital divide, 4,000 agents are currently recruited by the State.

source site-14
