The “youth engagement contract” for the integration of 16-25 year olds away from employment will be launched on March 1, 2022, announces Emmanuel Macron

The head of state had promised this device, accompanied by an allowance of up to 500 euros, during his speech last July.

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Emmanuel Macron announced Tuesday, November 2 the launch on March 1, 2022 of a “youth engagement contract”, offering those under 25 without training or employment for several months an allowance of up to 500 euros per month in exchange for 15 to 20 hours per week of training or support. “It is a simple measure: commitment, attendance, motivation and a state that supports you”, underlines the Head of State on his Facebook account.

Inspired by the Youth Guarantee, an intensive support program with recognized success, this project was announced on July 12 by Emmanuel Macron to help young people return to employment. “without resources and without prospects” and “to end this mess”, said the head of state on the social network.

To avoid any confusion with a young RSA which it does not want, the executive chose the term “contract of engagement” rather than that of “income of engagement” used on July 12th. This measure, in gestation for months, was the subject of a battle between on the one hand the Ministry of Labor, which campaigned for the widest possible extension, and Bercy, which sought to limit the cost.

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