the costly abandonment of the Scribe project, a software that was supposed to facilitate the filing of complaints



France 2

Article written by

C. Guttin, R. Miri, H. Smague, Y. Moine, O. Darmostoupe, P. Goldmann – France 2

France Televisions

The police are struggling to modernize technically, as evidenced by the costly failure of the Scribe software. The latter was supposed to facilitate the filing of complaints.

The Scribe software was to revolutionize the recording of complaints and replace, in police stations, the old obsolete and often broken system. This new program has just been abandoned even before its entry into service, despite four years of research. A fiasco estimated at 11.7 million euros. This is a financial mismanagement for the ministry, according to Léo Moreau, from the union of internal security executives. “We have legal services, and not only, which, on the ground, are struggling with a crying lack of means, a lack of vehicles and equipment”, he castigates.

“We threw 11.7 million euros out the window to develop software that didn’t work”, critic Léo Moreau. In 2018, the development of Scribe was entrusted to the Capgemini group, a digital specialist, and to field investigators. But after two years, the project manager and half of the team leave the service provider. Today, the project is abandoned. This is not the first time that police modernization tools have not worked. This was the case with the 10,000 pedestrian cameras on the police: some were faulty and were replaced in 2018 by new models. According to Philippe Dominati, Senator LR and member of the Finance Committee, the sums allocated to the national police are often insufficient to acquire new technologies.

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