Which Prime Minister for Macron II?

Christine Lagarde, thehe president of the European Central Bank to succeed Jean Castex: it was the newspaper Les Echos which mentioned this hypothesis last week. The name of the former Minister of the Economy was slipped by Nicolas Sarkozy during a lunch at the Elysée.

Since then, the Macronie weaves laurels to Christine Lagarde: competent, experienced, used to managing teams. A woman, moreover, there is a lack around Emmanuel Macron! Which discreetly promoted, on Wednesday, the boss of the ECB commander of the National Order of Merit.

The meeting was not on the official agendas, it was enough to give even more flesh to this Christine Lagarde hypothesis at Matignon, even though her mandate at the Central Bank runs until 2027.

During her last public speeches, Christine Lagarde was very clear. She intends to go to the end of this mandate, she says that French policy is behind her. But around Emmanuel Macron, we retort that “Matignon does not refuse.“Way of saying that if the offer was on the table…

Except that she probably won’t. Everything will depend on the configuration of the second round, explains an adviser. If Emmanuel Macron has to face Valérie Pécresse, the Lagarde hypothesis works. But not if he is facing Marine Le Pen, come on, even Eric Zemmour – two candidates from the national camp.

“With this poster, impossible to do like Jacques Chirac in 2002” : to appoint someone from his camp to Matignon. “We will have to show that we have understood the message”entrusts the same adviser.

It is therefore impossible to promote Christine Lagarde, who is the very embodiment of supranational institutions, and of a form of technostructure to which Emmanuel Macron himself is often referred.

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