Malemort votes a motion to demand the presence of the sun during his carnival

The sun is expected firmly in Malemort on Wednesday March 2 and the following Sunday. These are the dates of the traditional carnival of Malemort. To be sure that the sun is there, where thousands of people flock each year, the Municipal Council of the commune voted a motion to demand its presence.

Canceled in 2021

Because the party must not be spoiled this year. “Malemort will finally find its carnival after the covid which made us miserable and where we were not allowed to hide in Malemort” jokes Mayor Laurent Darthou recalling that the 2021 edition had to be cancelled. So “The City Council has unanimously decided that there would be good weather”.

A complaint to the police

A joke all that is serious ironically the mayor. _”_I have two sworn agents who will check at 2:30 p.m. precisely on Wednesday and Sunday that the sun is indeed present. And beware if this is not the case. The commune of Malemort now has a gendarmerie which opened a few days ago. It is not a coincidence. If there is no sun on Wednesday and Sunday (…) we will file a complaint”. The divine Ra is therefore warned!

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