“We will not block anything or anyone”, assures a coordinator in Nice

One of the “freedom convoys” left Nice this Wednesday, February 9, in the morning. Between 100 and 200 vehicles left the Côte d’Azur, heading for Brussels via Paris. This “convoy”, which is inspired by what is happening in Ottawa, Canada, intends to protest in particular against the vaccination pass.

Moreover, on cars and motorcycles, you can see French and Canadian flags. With a goal for all who participate: “Show that we want freedom, that there is a small minority that is on the move and that the others just have to follow us. This convoy will certainly serve to wake people up to give them courage because they have no courage. They are ostriches“, defends André, 65, a “yellow vest” from the start.

The movement wants to be pacifist, like a long journey: “It will be like going on vacation. And then, we can pick up lots of people on the road. We’ll go all the way if we can get there. Until victory! It is a battle to be fought. The whole world is waking up to erase all these tyrannical obligations. And I weigh my words”, specify two members of the Nice procession.

At the heart of a “freedom convoy” from Nice. The report by Valentin Dunate

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In this movement, the vast majority participated in demonstrations against the health pass, such as this social worker “suspended for five months without pay.“Coming from Briançon, in the Hautes-Alpes, Valérie joined the movement because it was born in a few days on the internet, like the movement of “yellow vests” in 2018. “Precisely, it is the spontaneity that pleases me.”

“It’s not something that is taken over by politicians or by anyone. It’s really a citizens’ movement.”

“We are going to leave together, find people on the road, create links. For me, it is really fundamental. Recreate links in France and in Europe.“, she specifies

This convoy, which left Nice, will therefore make several stops before reaching Paris, then Brussels on Monday. “The start of the convoy here is obviously going to be a few dozen, maybe hundreds of carsspecifies Denis, the coordinator of the movement in Nice. It will inevitably grow in the world during its journey crossing the Var, the Bouches-du-Rhône, the Vaucluse and then the Rhône valley. So I remind you that the focal point is Brussels, the 14th. There are a lot of rumors going around saying people are going to block Paris. The convoy will not block anything or anyone. It’s a pacifist convoy which will stop, which will communicate with people. So there is no need to worry at all about the continuation of this convoy to Paris.”

The convoy must stop passing through Brignoles, then Aix-en-Provence, before a first night in Avignon, Wednesday, February 9.

source site-14