“Thank you for leaving our moods alone”

It happened Tuesday, February 8. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin was Apolline de Malherbe’s guest. The journalist gives figures on the increase in violence. These are those of the ministry: the violence sex increased by 33% in 2021, le number of victims of intentional blows and injuries by 12%, the number of victims of domestic violence by 14%.

And then, quickly, the tone slips. And the sequence is making the rounds on social networks.

From “Calm down”, “It will be alright” and “don’t be offended” who still smell a little “You are unable to manage yourself, to control yourself and your emotions make you say anything”.

Would Gérald Darmanin have said the same thing to a man? In this “Calm down”there is this whiff of “calm your hormones and your moods, ma’am” that we hear too often and that we already heard 15 years ago.

We were then in the middle of the second round of the 2007 presidential election. On the issue of disability at school, the “Calm down” then came from Nicolas Sarkozy, addressed to Ségolène Royal.

More recently, last September, it was also about hormones on CNews. The editorialist Guillaume Bigot speaks of Sandrine Rousseau with these words: “illuminated, green madness, menopausal Greta Thunberg“.

Here are the facts. And now, here is what we would like not to be done.

The woman, symbol of the mood that you attribute to her, of the overflowing emotion that you imagine her to be and of the disgusting hormones that you imagine. Thanks, but no thanks. You do not have the right. You never had that right. You took it, you confiscated it. But it’s over now, you don’t have it anymore.
And yes, it will be fine!

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