in winter, cyclists are less visible on the road



Article written by

E. Cocq, M. Huguet, R. Pohier – France 3

France Televisions

With the change to winter time, we gained an hour of sleep during the night of October 30 to 31. But each year, this change of schedule has a consequence on road accidents. Cyclists are more vulnerable. Illustration in Lille, in the North.

With the time change, the brightness is lower, the evening in particular. For cyclists, it is therefore necessary to adapt. “The basis of safety is to have at least the lights at the front and the back and a fluorescent vest that can help too”, indicates a cyclist in Lille (North). According to the prefecture of the North, the change to winter time is accompanied, each year, by an increase of 50% the number of accidents between 5 and 7 p.m. involving pedestrians.

“It is important to do prevention during this period since cyclists, with the change of time, are less seen especially on the back and forth trips to go to work during the week”, emphasizes Pierre-Marie Pierrard, member of the Droit au Vélo association. Cyclists must have the right equipment: doorbell, lights at the front and rear and a reflector. Other materials can be used to ensure more safety on the bike and to be more visible at night, such as a yellow vest or a reflective armband.


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