Marc-Olivier Fogiel: A 3rd child with François? He answers !

At 52, Marc-Olivier Fogiel is the proud father of two little girls. But the path was long and difficult to be able to satisfy his desires for fatherhood, especially by being homosexual. So the journalist, aware of having had means that others do not have, opted for surrogacy (Gestation Pour Autrui) abroad. He welcomed Mila and Lily, children he is raising with her husband François Roelants. Could the couple have a third child?

Interviewed by the magazine Paris Match who devotes a report to him in the run-up to the broadcast of the TV movie What’s wrong with my family?, Marc-Olivier Fogiel spoke at length about his journey and how the arrival of two children in his life filled him with happiness. While his daughters Mila (11 years old) and Lily (8 years old) are starting to grow up, does the one who became the general manager of BFMTV ever plan to expand his clan? “I dream of it, but François doesn’t want to. He has rearranged his professional life a lot [il est photographe, NDLR] so he can be home, and he doesn’t want to make that sacrifice again“, confides Marc-Olivier Fogiel.

The journalist and ex-presenter admits that without her husband, raising two children would be a real challenge with her new role. “François does the homework from Monday to Friday; me, I only do them on Sundays (…) At times, I wonder if I am not missing out on too many things“, he said while considering however”to be better off than many other fathers“. Besides, despite the intensity of his work – especially in an election year! – he claims to have sanctuarized “daily rituals“like dropping off your daughters at school every morning”rather than welcoming the channel’s political guests“.

Finally, with her husband, Marc-Olivier Fogiel seems to have found a suitable balance: “In our couple, the roles are very balanced: François is much stricter, I more accompanying.“And if, for his daughters, he is the dad”who comforts“when her husband François is the”scolding dad“, the media man assures that her husband “is the best father“that he ever”met in the world“!

Paris Matchedition of February 3, 2022.

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