truckers mobilized against health restrictions


France 2

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Canadian truckers demonstrate against health restrictions. Despite some gestures from the authorities, the movement seems to be growing with many activists who have joined the truck drivers.

The center of Ottawa, Canada, is still paralyzed, Thursday, February 3, occupied by dozens of XXL heavyweights. In the Canadian capital, truckers continue to demonstrate against new health measures, in particular the obligation to vaccinate to cross the border with the United States. “We’ve been obedient, we’ve been doing our job for two years, now it’s time to get our life back“, confides a driver.

A few days ago, thousands of heavy goods vehicles crossed the country to reach Ottawa, hence their name, “Freedom Convoy”. Other anti-vaccination protesters against Covid-19 and far-right joined the movement. After several degradations, the Prime Minister chose appeasement. “To the 90% of truckers across the country who are vaccinated, continue to work hard, keep our economy going, I say thank you“, said Justin Trudeau. Before adding: “The behaviors we saw this weekend do not represent you.”


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