Benjamin Castaldi swings on his affair with a Spice Girls, Cyril Hanouna shocked

Benjamin Castaldi blew Cyril Hanouna on the set of Do not touch My TV this Thursday, January 27. The former host of Secret Story spoke of his past relationships, including his marriage to Flavie Flament, and obviously, Cyril Hanouna did not expect to receive such information from him.

Rather curious, the flagship host of C8 went around the table to find out about the past adventures of his team and therefore those of Benjamin Castaldi. In addition to the American actress Andie MacDowell with whom he had, according to his words, not shone much, the husband of Aurore Aleman indicated that he had had a love affair with one of the Spice Girls. Enough to drive Cyril Hanouna completely crazy: “But stop, what?“Seeing the host rather skeptical after his revelation, Benjamin Castaldi and other columnists confirmed the news to him:”I already told you 20 times, it’s the one who was in jogging“.

Benjamin Castaldi therefore had an affair with the singer Mel C, a tall brunette with a sporty look from the girls band. And the columnist obviously keeps a very good memory of it: “It was a very nice evening. She had come to Drucker and she left with me” he revealed, quite proud to have shared a little more than Michel Drucker’s red sofa with the singer.

All these stories of the heart of Benjamin Castaldi belong to the past. The former TF1 star is now married to Aurore Aleman, her crush of 2015. Crazy in love, the columnist put the ring on her finger in August 2016 before concretizing her story a little more. Four years after their passage before the mayor, Aurore Aleman and Benjamin Castaldi became the parents of a little boy named Gabriel. The spitting image of his dad.

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