This year, the show “Star Academy” celebrates its 20th anniversary. This Saturday, October 30, viewers will be able to find candidates and teachers of the show via a bonus broadcast on TF1 to celebrate the event. Magali Vaé is one of the big winners of the telecrochet. She also won the 5th season before falling back into anonymity. This Friday, October 29, 2021, the singer made a remarkable appearance on the set of “L’Instant de Luxe” for “Télé Star Play”.
The opportunity for the young mother to confide in her future projects. Facing the camera, Magali Vaé also confessed that he “had nothing left” as regards the money received thanks to his victory in “Star Academy”. “I live on my galas, I live, I pay my bills, it’s already good,” explained the interpreter of “Dream of you” to Jordan De Luxe.
Far from rhinestones and sequins, Magali Vaé lives to this day with ease. “I live like Mr. and Mrs. everyone (…) In my financial life, I am a Mrs. everyone”, added the artist, stressing that she had “no luxury tastes.”
His philosophy, to say the least, impressed the host. “It’s interesting that you didn’t fall into something where you could have gone crazy at all,” said Jordan De Luxe. To which Magali Vaé replied: “I could have (…). I have learned from my mistakes and today I have found this value for money ”. She also hopes to instill “this value in her daughter”.