Set in the mysterious world of Lumon Industries, Severance explores the stark division between work and personal life through the eyes of Mark S. as he uncovers secrets after receiving a message from a former colleague. Premiering in 2022, the series resonates due to its reflection on identity and work amid the pandemic. Blending humor with existential themes, the show features a talented cast and promises deeper explorations of love and memory in its upcoming second season.
The Enigmatic World of Severance: A Deep Dive
In the intriguing universe of Lumon Industries, the adage “what happens in the open space stays in the open space” reigns supreme. Here, employees are subjected to a surgical procedure that meticulously divides their professional existence from their personal lives. Mark S., impeccably dressed with a sharp side part, seems to thrive under this controversial practice until he receives an unexpected message from Petey, a former colleague who quit the company. This raises a compelling question: could this separation, known as ‘severance,’ conceal a profound secret?
Severance: A Reflection on Work and Identity
Premiering in 2022 on AppleTV+ amidst the lingering effects of the pandemic, this hybrid series quickly emerged as a standout hit. Viewers find it hard not to relate to the tightly monitored characters who grapple with their connection to work, which on-screen often appears devoid of fulfillment. This realization struck many during the global health crisis.
Tramell Tillman, who portrays Seth Milchick, a supervisor at Lumon Industries, reflects, “I can’t say if the series would have gained the same traction if it had premiered before the pandemic. This period has allowed us to reassess our identities.” The world came to a standstill, prompting introspection about our choices, relationships, and career paths.
Dan Erickson conceptualized the idea for Severance eight years ago before it landed in the hands of Ben Stiller’s production team. Stiller, who directed most episodes, noted its unique tone, stating, “It stood out immediately.” The series cleverly melds elements from workplace comedies like The Office and Parks and Recreation, drawing in actors such as Adam Scott, Patricia Arquette, John Turturro, and the legendary Christopher Walken.
As a testament to its complexity, the first season of Severance unfolds gradually, captivating the audience with its intricate narrative, even posing challenges for viewers. Britt Lower describes her character, Helly R., as a vessel for audience questions, remarking on her bewilderment upon awakening at Lumon Industries, completely disoriented.
The cast members themselves were often left in the dark about the show’s true nature, with Patricia Arquette admitting, “Initially, I struggled to grasp the series’ tone. Was it comedy, noir, or something else?” This blend of humor and existential dread is what makes Severance so compelling, as noted by Christopher Walken, who finds the mixture of emotions both humorous and unsettling.
As its second season gears up to premiere on January 17, fans can anticipate even deeper explorations of love and memory. “The first season touched on love, and now we’re delving into its essence,” Arquette explains. “Ultimately, the narrative revolves around love—its presence and absence, and the longing for it.” As the series continues to captivate audiences, anticipation builds for future seasons, leaving viewers eager for what lies ahead.