Make me dream | Alfa Rococo’s act of love

In his fifth album entitled Make me dreamthe Alfa Rococo duo takes a lucid but luminous look at the world. A four-part look at a deep and catchy record.

Find the thread of creation

“We don’t bury our heads in the sand,” says David Bussières. But the title is Make me dream because in this chaotic and polarized era, the dream has become a refuge to be able to endure this. And hope is born from dreams. »

Excerpt from The world is crazy

Six years have passed since the previous album by David Bussières and Justine Laberge, who have formed a united couple in work for 20 years, and in life for 25 years. If the delay was so long, it is partly because they had to go through the pandemic period with their 2 and 4 year old children at home.

“The album was started before the pandemic and we were completely inspired,” says Justine Laberge. We thought we were good, we said to ourselves that for once, it wouldn’t take us too long between two albums! »

Destiny decided otherwise. Justine took the opportunity to “reinvent” herself and wrote some very cool illustrated books for children, David was deeply involved in various artist defense organizations, particularly in music. “And we did something noble, we took care of our children,” says Justine, smiling.

Once normal life was restored, it was necessary to resume the thread of creation. In order to find stimulation outside their bubble, the couple felt the need to shuffle the cards: several songs were thus born from collaborations – a first for them – which gave them the “sacred fire” again.

“The first song we did was actually Fire in mewith DRMS, relates David. We went into the studio with him, we had nothing, not even a part of a sentence. But it was part of the process of shaking up the way we do things. It was a spark plug, the spark to restart the engine. »

Whether with Alexandre Désilets, Laurence Nerbonne or Imposs, each meeting will have been unique, sometimes destabilizing, always refreshing, says Justine. “We expanded our playing field.”


Alfa Rococo has been around for so long that the band has had no trouble convincing people to work with them. “We dare to hope that it’s for what we release, because we are positive,” says David. We love our colleagues too! We have immense respect for the world that makes music. »

Especially since times are tough, he recalls. “It’s not right what’s happening. » Improving the living conditions of musicians: this has been David Bussières’ hobby horse for a long time. “I try to get involved so that my voice and my experience can fuel the discussions. »

He also contributed to recognizing the status of artist-entrepreneur, but the problems are still very numerous, he recalls. Whether it’s copyright – “We’re always 15 steps behind technological changes” – or the fact that Quebecers only listen to 5% of the French-speaking music made here.

“It doesn’t look good!” How come no one said to themselves: we have a problem, and we’re going to find solutions, and in 5 years we’re going to be at 10%, and in 10 years, at 20%? »

As artists’ sources of income diminish, it is the very sustainability of culture that is at stake, he believes. “We need to build a musical heritage. The Jean-Pierre Ferlands of tomorrow are writing today. »


Make me dream is a fairly dense album of 12 songs. “We said to ourselves that as long as we came back, we had to be generous! “. Performing during the summer, Alfa Rococo noticed that people were there… and that its music did them good.

Excerpt from Make me dream

“When we were put back in contact with the public, we said to ourselves “that’s it, that’s our mission,” says David. In show, we play Make me dream in acoustics, and it’s always a great moment. »

I’m really proud, after all this time, that we made a new song that goes straight to people’s hearts. What thrills us the most is bringing happiness during a show, and that it continues to resonate after the last note.

Justine Laberge

Beyond their undeniable catchy groove, Alfa Rococo wants there to always be a “layer of meaning”, emphasizes Justine. “When we write a text, we ask ourselves what we want to say, how we want to say it. »


More than ever, the couple wrote the lyrics and music together, which makes it quite unique. “For me, it’s the situation of others that I find special! says Justine. When people ask us how we manage to be together all the time, I answer: but how do you manage not to be together all the time? »

David nods. “This is our project. We get up in the morning, we talk about it, and it’s fine until we go to bed at night. »

Excerpt from Love and that’s all

This is their strength in any case, this symbiosis in love and creation. And they intend to continue on their new creative path, because they feel empowered to breathe hope into the world… and because they have no choice but to do so. “When you’re parents, you can’t be 100% negative and just say that you’re heading into a wall,” says Justine.

“Love is what saves life right now. »

Make me dream

Electro pop

Make me dream

Alfa Rococo

Coyote Records

source site-53