The boss of the Ecologists went to the trial of the Mazan rapes which she considers “symptomatic of this society” where “the greatest danger for women is in their homes”.
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“I see the progress that [l’inscription de la notion de consentement dans le code pénal] could offer to women, but that will not be enough”estimates Friday October 11 on France Inter Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Ecologists. The new Minister of Justice Didier Migaud said he was in favor of this idea at the end of September, while the debate on the redefinition of rape in the penal code resurfaced during the Mazan rape trial.
The boss of the Ecologists went to Avignon on Tuesday to attend the 26th day of the Mazan rape trial. She explains on France Inter that she first “felt a lot of compassion towards Gisèle Pelicot”victim of chemical submission for ten years. “It was terrible, we wanted to help him,” she describes. Marine Tondelier was then marked by “absolute dignity and courage” demonstrated by Gisèle Pelicot, notably in “fighting for the hearings to be public”.
The national secretary of the Ecologists considers that if “the story of Gisèle Pelicot may seem unusual”She “is ultimately so symptomatic of this society” Or “The greatest danger for women is in their homes.”