PS senator Jérôme Durain pleads for “a nourished dialogue between justice, the police and Bercy”

“We need to ask ourselves the questions that we asked ourselves in committee, the money, the prison, the head of the octopus rather than the ordinary little hands of trafficking”, explains Monday in franceinfo evening the senator and president of the commission of inquiry into the impact of drug trafficking in France.


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Jérôme Durain, PS senator from Saône-et-Loire, president of the commission of inquiry into the impact of drug trafficking in France, July 15, 2024 in Dijon (Côte-d'Or). (JC TARDIVON/MAXPPP)

“As long as we do not have a government solution with a sustained dialogue between the justice system, the police and Bercy, we will not do a good job,” argued, Monday October 7 in franceinfo evening, Jérôme Durain, PS senator from Saône-et-Loire, president of the commission of inquiry into the impact of drug trafficking in France, while narcocides have reached “unprecedented savagery” last week in Marseille, in the words of Marseille public prosecutor Nicolas Bessone. On Wednesday, a fifteen-year-old boy was stabbed around fifty times and burned alive. Two days later, a 36-year-old VTC driver and father was shot dead by a 14-year-old teenager.

In May, the Senate commission of inquiry into the impact of drug trafficking in France proposed the creation of an anti-drug prosecution and an “French-style DEA”in reference to the Drug Enforcement Administration, an American federal agency. But “nothing has changed since”deplores Jérôme Durain. “We need to ask ourselves the questions that we asked ourselves in committee, the money, the prison, the head of the octopus rather than the ordinary little hands of trafficking, details the senator. These are questions that need to be addressed.”

“If we tinker, there will be other deaths, unfortunately.”

Jérôme Durain, PS senator from Saône-et-Loire

in franceinfo evening

Jérôme Durain recalls that the commission of inquiry had “produces consensus” between its members. “We came up with a certain number of proposals, several dozen, on which we all agreed.” But he “feared” that we “don’t have the courage to go all the way.” The consensus “we were able to do it on terrorism by having a global system. All the services talk to each other, it works”. But regarding drug trafficking, the senator notes that “justice does not speak enough to the police, that the police do not speak enough to the justice system” without forgetting “Bercy” as well as the “intelligence”. “As long as we don’t choose a unique approach, with a real boss – we used to say a French DEA ​​– then we will continue to tinker”alerts Jérôme Durain.

On the question of young people involved in settling scores in drug trafficking, the commission “had already noted this rejuvenation of the perpetrators and victims of violence”explains Jérôme Durain. “These are kids in extremely complicated social situations, who have this violence as a reference. When there are acts of barbarism, acts of torture, violence, regular beatings, all of that is put on video and broadcast on the networks.” These young people “the most unstructured have that as a reference” with the “myth of the Kalashnikov and violence”, underlines the senator. So there is “substantial work” to lead, which passes “by a form of repression”.

But there is also a “social question, a question of prevention, a question of support”. Jérôme Durain suggests in particular“exfiltrate the siblings”. “When we know that a kid is starting to be tempted or is dipping into drugs”it’s necessary “maybe pay attention to those close to you.” “Rather than condemning families, we must help families leave the neighborhood to avoid contamination for everyone,” adds the senator.

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