sexism and hazing still take place at the faculty


Video length: 2 min

Medicine: sexism and hazing still take place in faculties
The Faculty of Medicine of Tours (Indre-et-Loire) is at the heart of a controversy. A sexist banner, displayed during a party, sparked strong reactions. Since then, students have denounced an uninhibited rape culture.
(France 2)

The Faculty of Medicine of Tours (Indre-et-Loire) is at the heart of a controversy. A sexist banner, displayed during a party, sparked strong reactions. Since then, students have denounced an uninhibited rape culture.

Hilarious medical students holding up a banner depicting an unconscious naked woman immersed in a cocktail glass, with explicit mention of GHB, a drug nicknamed the “rapist drug”. This image, published by students at the University of Tours (Indre-et-Loire), caused strong indignation.

After the announcement of the opening of the investigation, the association behind the banner was suspended. For the university presidency, there is no question of letting this pass, especially since it has received other reports. In medical schools and hospitals, ribald humor persists. In January 2023, health establishments were ordered to remove the frescoes decorating the duty rooms. However, mentalities are slowly changing. Currently, the law punishes people who engage in acts of hazing with six months’ imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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