Hugo pop! | Abracadtree twisted!

The return of the Horned God, the twisted tree, the chosen one touched by fire, the new lunar triangle and Germain Houde amputated from his left foot and hidden in the woods!

The TV series Witches of TVA pulled out of his hat, no, wait, pulled out of his boiling pot the punch of autumn, even warmer than a duck breast MasterChef QuebecThe father of the three goddesses in the TVA series, the guru Armand Bussières, faked his death before fleeing and disappearing into the thick bushes of northern Ontario.

It was while tracking the terrifying Michael Walker (Ryan Bommarito), the ex-husband of her sister Beth (Marie-Joanne Boucher), that the intrepid reporter Joe Bussières (Céline Bonnier) knocked on the door of her bearded father (Germain Houde), who was never murdered and dismembered thirty years ago, as she believed.


Marie-Joanne Boucher

Pieces of Armand Bussières’ body had in fact been found near a barrel filled with acid and the murder of the leader of the matriarchal sect of Sainte-Piété had never been solved.

To stage Armand’s murder, his second partner Manon Lussier (Larissa Corriveau) had to saw off part of his left foot, cold, as if it were a common piece of wood. Manon then retrieved, near the twisted tree, the remains of Charlot, the deceased baby of Joe and Luc (Stéphane Gagnon), to give it to Armand.

Authors Germain Larochelle and Marie-Josée Ouellet, whose dense texts were awarded a Gémeaux prize last week, knew since the creation of Witches that Armand Bussières had survived the explosion of the commune he founded with the disturbing Louise Robinson (Alexa-Jeanne Dubé), his first wife.

“We have several twists up our sleeve, which we have been thinking about from the beginning,” says the co-writer of WitchesMarie-Josée Ouellet.

The first season introduced and placed the host of characters in this compact soap opera, who evolve in two distinct eras. That of the sect, in the early 1990s, and that of today. “Now, our plot unfolds by itself,” notes the co-author of the soap opera, Germain Larochelle.

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