Michel Barnier’s government will be presented “before Sunday”, assures Matignon.
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The first names proposed by Michel Barnier to form his government correspond “to this desire for openness demonstrated by the President of the Republic”reacted on Thursday September 19 on franceinfo Philippe Gosselin, Republican Right MP for Manche, while the Prime Minister proposed to the Head of State, according to Laurent Wauquiez, a government composed in particular of “nine ministers from the Republican Right, including three in full office.”
“Overall, the outline will be that one,” estimates Philippe Gosselin. “We have something that appears balanced.” The MP specifies that Michel Barnier “did not intend to form an LR government, nor to be a clan leader”The deputy of La Manche assures that his political family “will respond fully”when they will be known “the precise names, positions and career paths of each person.” He is happy for the moment that “We’re reaching the end, and it’s great.”
Philippe Gosselin is now judging “urgent” exceed “to another stage, budgetary, to meet the expectations of our fellow citizens. And there are many of them”. The parliamentarians of the Republican Right will be “there on standby”adds the deputy. They will be “alongside the Prime Minister, but also as a force for proposals to move forward in the right direction.”