On average, landlords are demanding an additional 159 euros above the capped amount, or 1,908 euros per year, according to the association Consommation logement cadre de vie.
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Properties that are not in line. Rent control is not respected in 37% of real estate listings in Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis, according to the barometer of the association Consommation logement cadre de vie (CLCV), published Tuesday, September 17. The survey was carried out on the basis of 1,800 listings published between December 2023 and August 2024. This year “thus marks a step backwards in the proper application of rent control, since, in 2023, the rate of illegal advertisements was 31%”she points out in a press release.
In Paris, the results are slightly “best with 29% of non-compliant ads”compared to 47% non-compliance in Seine-Saint-Denis, specifies CLCV. On average, landlords claim an additional 159 euros above the capped amount, or 1,908 euros per year. According to the association, these circumventions involve unjustified rent supplements or the use of the mobility lease (between one and ten months) considering that these are seasonal rentals.
The CLCV association notes that capped rents are less well respected when it comes to furnished accommodation, where the rate of non-compliance with rent control reaches 44%, compared to 30% for unfurnished accommodation. Furthermore, “professionals respect this system more than individuals since alternately 30% and 43% offer rents exceeding the maximum authorized”The CLCV is calling for the strengthening of rent controls in the capital and its nearby suburbs.