A new investigative book by journalist Victor Castanet, published on Wednesday, denounces abuses in private daycare centers.
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“We will need help, support, to secure and improve what already exists”asks Tuesday, September 17 on franceinfo Clotilde Robin, co-president of the “early childhood” working group within the Association of Mayors of France. She reacts to the revelations made in the new investigation by Victor Castanet, “The Ogres” (Flammarion), published Wednesday September 16, which describes the “voracity” of certain groups of private nurseries and can lead to mistreatment. The journalist accuses in particular the town halls and local authorities of “dive into low-cost” when allocating nurseries to the private sector.
“I am appalled to hear this.”deplores Clotilde Robin, who assures, on the contrary, to have “dedicated to providing the highest quality reception service”For her, the problem is above all that the communities, and especially the town halls, are not sufficiently supported. “We are asking for help”rather than “communication effects” which consist of announcing places in daycare centers, whereas “We don’t have the means to secure them”denounces the elected official at the Roanne town hall.
For Clotilde Robin, it is also “the whole chain which deserves to be well supported, well reworked”She also recalls that the AMF has always “requested that professionals working in daycare centers be trained”.