The former President and current MP for Corrèze nevertheless recognises that certain left-wing figures may be tempted.
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As discussions continue on the composition of the new government, the various political forces are positioning themselves. The Republicans have already validated the principle of participation, but it is more complicated for the PS. Invited to France Bleu Limousin on Thursday, September 12, François Hollande ruled out the participation of the socialists in the Barnier government: “I do not see how socialists who are preparing to censure a government thus formed can access this same government”declares the former head of state, now socialist deputy of Corrèze.
François Hollande admits, however, that personalities can “to be tempted” to occupy a position. “Open-minded people, but I don’t see many of them”he adds. “What matters beyond people is the political line, the choices that will be made at budget time”adds the socialist deputy who says he is also waiting for Michel Barnier’s general policy speech which should “to enlighten” the French. But for the moment, the Prime Minister has still not formed his government, which he wants to expand beyond the right. “We have learned patience. Two months to appoint a prime minister suggested that more time was needed to appoint a government.”reacts François Hollande.
The now socialist MP for Corrèze wants “rebalance” the left-wing forces present within the New Popular Front. He asks the socialists to take the upper hand over La France insoumise, which is considered radical, in his book Le Défi de gouvernement (éditions Perrin). “We can have an alliance, and be willing to be the first in this alliance and be those who set the line.” “It is up to us to influence the left from an attractive and above all governing line.”says the former head of state, who recalls that each time the “the socialist reformist pole was the strongest, victory was assured.”