Prime Minister Michel Barnier attends the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games

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Prime Minister Michel Barnier is present at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games on Sunday 8 September. Before the start of the ceremony, the head of government answered a journalist who questioned him about his appointment to Matignon, at the entrance to the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, in Seine-Saint-Denis.I don’t think I’m here by default.”he said. This first week as Prime Minister has been “very busy”he added, considering himself to be in a “attitude of humility and great determination”.

Michel Barnier continues consultations. After former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, Michel Barnier continued consultations on Sunday with a view to forming his new government team. The new Prime Minister received the leaders of the Horizons party, including the former head of government Edouard Philippe. In the afternoon, Michel Barnier also received François Bayrou, president of the MoDem.

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen “agreed to steal the French vote,” according to Manuel Bompard. “Those who are betrayed in this story” are both Emmanuel Macron’s voters and Marine Le Pen’s voters, the coordinator of La France Insoumise estimated on CNews and Europe 1. The former, according to him, because they have “majority voted” in the second round of legislative elections for “prevent the far right from being in power” but find themselves with the extreme right in the position of kingmaker. And the latter, because they hoped “a break with Macronism” and end up being, still according to Manuel Bompard, the “crutch” by Emmanuel Macron.

According to Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron “took into account the RN’s criteria in choosing his Prime Minister.” The new head of government “seems to have the same observation on immigration as we do”, said the president of the RN deputies in an interview with The Tribune Sunday.

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