“Election stolen from the French”, “all that for that”, “unite to succeed”… The first political reactions to the nomination of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister

Former minister Michel Barnier, a figure of the Republicans, aged 73, was appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron. Immediately, a large part of the French political sphere reacted.



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French President Emmanuel Macron and Michel Barnier during a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris, January 31, 2020. Michel Barnier was appointed Prime Minister on September 5, 2024. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

After 51 days of political crisis, it was Michel Barnier, a right-wing figure, former minister, also European Commissioner and then Brexit negotiator, who was appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron on Thursday, September 5.

“Renaissance MPs will know how to take responsibility”

Former Prime Minister Gabriel Attal quickly thanked the French in a video posted on the social network X. “My determination to act for the values ​​of the Republic is intact. I will continue all these fights with my method: telling the truth without taboo, looking the country in the face as it is. I will always do everything to rise to the occasion, to the height of the country that we love so much.”assures Gabriel Attal in this video message.“The bond we have is the most precious thing I have, count on me to continue to weave it”he wrote to accompany the video.

“We must now unite to succeed, in the service of the French people. The deputies will play their full part and will know how to assume their responsibilities. Our mandate obliges us”reacted the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet, from the presidential camp, in a message of congratulations on X.

“Coup de force”, “denial of democracy” for the left

Another story on the left. By appointing Michel Barnier to Matignon, “Emmanuel Macron tramples on the French vote and goes against the spirit of our Republic“, the Socialist Party reacted quickly, while the leader of the Socialists Olivier Faure estimated that “we are entering a regime crisis“. “When the French demand a change in policy and way of doing things… Emmanuel Macron imposes continuity“, continued the leader of the socialist deputies, Boris Vallaud, on X.When the left comes out on top in elections… Emmanuel Macron tries a change of direction to the right“, tackles the Landes MP, ““Michel Barnier’s choice is incomprehensible”.

The election was stolen from the French“, denounced the rebellious leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Thursday. Discovering “a Prime Minister who is appointed with the permission and perhaps on the suggestion of the National Rally“, Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls in a video posted on social networks “to the most powerful mobilization possible” SATURDAY.

Marine Tondelier, in a video on X, does not hide her bitterness: “Who are we kidding? “It’s a real scandal,” reacts the leader of the Ecologists and figurehead of the NFP.All that for that! They often say that the shortest jokes are the best. It’s been a long time since this sketch made anyone laugh” she said in a video message.Our political history is taking an extremely worrying turn” she said.

With the appointment of Michel Barnier, “The President of the Republic has sent the Republican front packing“, she says. After 51 days of an unprecedented political crisis in France, “the page that opens today sends the worst signals“, she believes.”The course is not going to change. When we know Mr. Barnier’s track record, the main risk is that this course will intensify to the detriment of the most precarious and of the planet.“, she says. But Marine Tondelier is already planning: “This is absolutely not the end for me of the role that Lucie Castets has played for the political future of this country. We are at her side as environmentalists, as members of the NFP, and that will continue.” she assures.

Same reaction from the rebellious Eric Coquerel on franceinfo: “Emmanuel Macron has finally found the right person to continue his policy.” “Mr. Barnier will undoubtedly propose to us in the coming weeks,” budgetary level, “what was proposed by Mr. Mayor and Mr. Cazenave”who submitted their 2025 budget proposal at the beginning of the week, added the president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly.

For Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF, it is about‘A “strength stroke”this” and of a “denial of democracye”. By appointing Michel Barnier as Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron “circumvents the result of the ballot boxes”he denounces in a press release. “By appointing Michel Barnier, former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy and European Commissioner promoting neoliberal dogmas, the President of the Republic has chosen continuity in the policies implemented over the past 7 years.”he adds. “The French want change. We will do everything to ensure they get it. We will use all the means at our disposal to combat a policy that turns its back on France’s interests, starting with censorship of the government.”concludes the national secretary of the communist party.

“We will judge on the evidence,” assures the RN

Michel Barnier receives on the other hand “wishes for success” by Xavier Bertrand, LR president of the Hauts-de-France region, himself tipped for this position a few days ago. “I extend to Michel Barnier and his government all my best wishes for success in the service of France and in the interests of the French people in the face of the many challenges that lie ahead.”he reacted on X.

The far right promises to be vigilant about the next announcements of the new Prime Minister, Michel Barnier. “We will be attentive to the project he will carry out,” reacts Marine Le Pen. “We will judge his general policy speech, his budgetary decisions and his actions on the evidence”reacts Jordan Bardella. “It’s the end of a tragicomedy that has lasted too long.”declared Philippe Ballard, spokesperson for the RN, speaking to fanceinfo.

For Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the RN and deputy of the North, this nomination is a lesser evil. He “We needed a Prime Minister”he replied to the microphone of France Bleu. “We knew that he would not have our colours, we acknowledge the fact that Michel Barnier perhaps fulfils the first of the conditions that Marine Le Pen had set, that is to say at least being respectful of the RN voters. Michel Barnier is not known for being a man of excess.”

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