more and more construction sites at a standstill



Video length: 2 min

Construction crisis: more and more construction sites at a standstill
Construction crisis: more and more construction sites at a standstill

Since the beginning of 2024, 8,900 construction companies have closed their doors in France, a record since 2015. In Iwuy, in the North, the construction of a primary school has been seriously delayed.

They were supposed to have a brand new school for the start of the school year: the 240 pupils of the primary school in Iwuy (North) are experiencing their first break in the middle of a construction site. The company, initially in charge of the structural work, went bankrupt last year. They had to find another one, and their school will not be delivered until April at the earliest. This establishment is one of the thousands of public construction sites affected by the construction crisis.

Since the beginning of the year, 8,900 construction companies have closed their doors across France, a record since 2015. On another project, the architect had to wait seven months to finally see workers get back to work. A delay that is costing the municipality concerned dearly, while the state grants it receives each year are not increasing. They have been 300,000 euros since 2017. The mayor is keen on this new school, but he promises that he will not increase taxes.

Study of business failures and safeguards in France in the 2nd quarter of 2024 by the Altares firm.

Non-exhaustive list

source site-21