Youth Justice Protection agents once again called to mobilize against “a social plan”

The inter-union is calling for a day of strike action on Thursday against the non-renewal, from September 1, of many contract agent contracts.


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A demonstration against employees of the Youth Judicial Protection (PJJ), in Paris, August 14, 2024. (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)

They denounce “an irresponsible and unacceptable social plan”. The unions launched a new call on Monday, August 26, “mobilization” agents of the Youth Judicial Protection (PJJ), “including by strike”, Thursday, August 29. The agents, unhappy with the non-renewal of many contract agent contracts as of September 1, had already gone on strike on August 14.

“We must continue to oppose the social plan”estimated the inter-union SNPES/FSU, Unsa, CFDT and CGT) in a press release. “Even if the administration still refuses to give a precise figure for the number of contract workers who will be affected by the non-renewals (…) we estimate that this will affect an average of 50 colleagues per region. This could represent 500 professionals under contract.”the inter-union organization said.

The PJJ employs a total of 9,763 people, including 2,273 contract workers, according to 2023 figures from the Ministry of Justice. PJJ educators support nearly 137,000 children and adolescents, most often juvenile delinquents in serious difficulty. “In the Île-de-France region alone, around 1,500 children will not have any educational support” due to the reduction in the number of PJJ agents. “This clearly means that we are sacrificing education for money.”Murielle Hauchecorne, co-national secretary of Snpes-PJJ/FSU, told AFP during the mobilization of August 14.

On July 31, the Ministry of Justice announced a 3 million euro unfreezing. “This release will allow the PJJ to largely resolve the contract renewal difficulties it is facing”assured the ministry. But, according to the unions, the management of the PJJ does not want to use this sum for “finance the salaries of contract workers who had obtained a promise of employment” And “assumes compliance with the drastic regime imposed by Bercy, to the detriment of public service missions” of the PJJ.

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