Four cases of listeriosis reported in Quebec, eighteen in total in the country

The Public Health Agency of Canada issued an advisory Tuesday that the number of listeriosis cases has increased from 12 to 18, including 12 in Ontario, four in Quebec, one each in Alberta and Nova Scotia. Of those, 13 people have been hospitalized in the wake of the outbreak in the country, which led to a recall of plant-based beverages earlier this month.

The investigation is still ongoing into the outbreak, which has so far claimed two lives in Ontario. Of the 18 Canadians affected, 67 per cent are aged 50 and over and 72 per cent are women, the federal agency says. All became ill between August 2023 and early July 2024.

Earlier this month, Great Value brand almond milk was recalled. The same story was also shared with Silk brand products, including almond, coconut, almond-coconut, almond-cashew and oat milk.

Symptoms of the disease may include fever, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, headache, constipation, vomiting and body aches.

Last week, the Montreal Regional Public Health Department (DRSP) issued a call for vigilance to the metropolis’ medical staff in connection with this listeriosis outbreak. “We ask clinicians to maintain a high degree of suspicion for anyone presenting symptoms compatible with an invasive infection,” it said.

Severe listeriosis can affect the nervous system. Symptoms include confusion, headache, neck stiffness, and loss of balance. Symptoms can occur up to 70 days after exposure to the bacteria. Those most at risk of developing this form of the disease include the elderly, people with compromised immune systems, pregnant women, and newborns.

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