Safety, economy, energy … What to remember from the interview with Valérie Pécresse on franceinfo

Valérie Pécresse, LR president of the Île-de-France region and candidate for the 2022 presidential election, was the guest of Franceinfo’s “Presidential Matins”, Monday January 10. She spoke in particular on the entry of Guillaume Peltier in the campaign team of Eric Zemmour, his proposals for security but also to fight against violence against women.

Valérie Pécresse has been at the head of the Ile-de-France regional council since 2015. She distanced herself from the Les Républicains party in 2017, after the defeat of François Fillon in the presidential election. She then created her movement, Free! She finally resigned from the party in 2019, after the European elections and the resignation of Laurent Wauquiez. She resumed her Republicans card in October, when she was a nomination contestant.

Guillaume Peltier’s departure, a “non-event”

According to Valérie Pécresse, the rallying of Guillaume Peltier, ex-number 2 of the Les Républicains party, to Eric Zemmour is “a non-event”. “It’s been months since he left us in his head. He had also been dismissed from his post by Christian Jacob [le président du parti] in December”, she added. This decision was taken in December, after the publication by Guillaume Peltier of a tweet favorable to the candidate of Reconquête !.

“I wish good luck [à Éric Zemmour], because in general, those supported by Guillaume Peltier do not win the elections “, she launched to the address of the far-right candidate, recalling that the ex-number 2 of LR first supported Xavier Bertrand during the LR congress to nominate his presidential candidate, before to spend in Eric Ciotti’s camp “last week”.

Allow Éric Zemmour to introduce himself

Asked about the difficulties of Eric Zemmour to collect his 500 signatures of elected officials, essential in the race for the Elysee, she estimated that “anyone who represents a real current of thought in France must be able to stand for the presidential election”. “This is obviously the case of Eric Zemmour, who is now over 10% in the polls”, she added.

She also estimated “totally false” the National Rally accusations that she would help Eric Zemmour to have these signatures. “It’s not my role to bring sponsorships to anyone”, she insisted, adding that any mayor, deputy or elected Republicans who supports Eric Zemmour “de facto excludes” party.

Covid-19: a vaccination pass “strictly reduced in time”

Valérie Pécresse hopes that the use of the vaccine pass, provided for by a bill adopted by the National Assembly and which must still be studied by the Senate, either “strictly reduced in time” for “protect the French”. According to the president of the Ile-de-France regional council, it is necessary that “as soon as there is a ebb of the pandemic, it will be deleted”. The Republicans candidate for the 2022 presidential election says no “not want to infringe on freedom [des Français] more than is necessary and that is the risk with a sine die vaccination pass “.

Security: “I take up the torch” from Nicolas Sarkozy

Valérie Pécresse accepted her remarks on the “Kärcher” that she wants “to come out of the cellar”, explicit reference to the words of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2005. Candidate LR assures him: “I am taking up the torch from the right, from a right which will be – unlike Emmanuel Macron – hard with the powerful, the bosses, the thugs, who will go and hunt them down, flush them out and punish them.” According to the president of the Île-de-France region, “The Kärcher is precisely the banner of a right-wing policy which brings back security to the neighborhoods. I am going to take this banner back and raise it because it has been brought down.”

The 2022 presidential candidate believes that “The weak link in our security policy is precisely this justice which is completely submerged and which cannot sanction. A society without punishment is a society in which authority crumbles. Impunity generates crime and violence”.

Economy: increase net wages by 10%

Valérie Pécresse reaffirmed her proposal to increase net wages by 10% for “all French people who receive up to 2.2 Smic”, that is “3,000 euros net” per month. This would concern “the vast majority of French people in the private sector” because the public sector would be subject to an evaluation “job by job”.

In order to implement this salary increase, according to Valérie Pécresse, it would be necessary “the State takes charge of part of the pension contributions which are on salaries”. She would later launch “a great salary conference” from June so that “the companies take a part in the increase of the wages” without forcing them. Wage increases would be “little by little, as the reforms and economies go along”.

Energy: a policy “on two feet”

“Emmanuel Macron has led a policy of scribbling in energy matters”, tackled the candidate of the Republicans party. “He has closed [la centrale nucléaire de] Fessenheim and, today, it is reopening coal-fired power stations, that is to say it has made France go from the 21st century to the 19th century in a mandate “, she mocked again.

Facing “president of the zig-zag”, Valérie Pécresse promises a strategy “on two feet: the foot of renewables and the foot of nuclear power”, she assured, recalling that in Île-de-France, a region of which she has been the president since 2015, she has “developed geothermal, solar and heating networks”. Regarding wind power, Valérie Pécresse promises to develop it “with the approval of the populations concerned”.

International: a Europe which “effectively protects” its borders

“I want Europe to effectively protect its borders”, has also called for Valérie Pécresse. According to candidate LR, in immigration matters “we must establish an asylum procedure at the borders of Europe”, ie “hotspots”. It is “centers in which we will take the identities of asylum seekers. We will examine their request and verify that they are not infiltrated Islamist jihadists”, she developed. “We will really screen these people, we will decide whether or not they have the right to asylum and if they do not have it, they will leave”, she added, asserting that“a powerful Europe is a Europe which enforces its borders”.

Violence against women: creating a specialized justice system

Asked about violence against women, Valérie Pécresse suggests “the creation of a specialized justice with the possibility of having protection orders in less than six days. This is what is happening in Spain and it is not at all what happens in France.” She believes that he “must train the police officers who will receive” women coming to file a complaint. “The protection order must be issued within 24 or 48 hours, at the latest within six days.”

Valérie Pécresse also regrets that “never speak” prevention. “We must launch campaigns in national education: ‘You love me, you respect me.’ We must also popularize the ‘violentometer’. It is a working tool for doing prevention with young people, which shows when a behavior is love and when a behavior begins to take hold or control. violence”.

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