Public hospitals say political instability is “damaging” and call for minister to be appointed “quickly”

For the Olympic Games, the establishments “are in working order” and the services “will remain accessible”, declared the president of the French Hospital Federation, Arnaud Robinet.



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Patients wait in a corridor of the hospital in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), July 17, 2024. (ARNAUD LE VU / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

Political instability is “damaging” to hospitals and Health must be a “priority” of the start of the school year, declared on Wednesday July 24, the president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), calling for the appointment of a minister “quickly”.

In the summer period, when hospitals are “particularly mobilized” to enable continuity of care, despite tensions on human resources, they have this year redoubled their efforts to strengthen their capacities during the Olympic Games, recalled, during an interview with AFP, the president of the FHF Arnaud Robinet.

In the emergency room, the situation “Is similar” in previous summers with a welcome “generally maintained”, even if in some places it is conditional on a prior call to the emergency services. For the Olympic Games, the establishments “are in working order” and services “will remain accessible”he assured.

Asked about the political situation, he recalled that in the summer, usually, “We are starting to work with the relevant ministerial offices on the development of the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS)” for the following year, normally presented in September. “This is not the case today”he regretted.

“This worries us, given the very poor situation in the public hospital.”he said. “If we have no government, no interlocutor, an Assembly divided into three blocks, we risk having to renew the 2024 PLFSS, which would be very damaging for the entire health system,” he warned.

“The President of the Republic must, beyond political contingencies,” appointed “a government capable of working as quickly as possible”he pleaded.

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