“It’s a real surprise,” reacts a political scientist.


Video length: 8 min

The NPF proposes Lucie Castets to Matignon: “It’s a real surprise”, reacts a political scientist
The NPF proposes Lucie Castets to Matignon: “It’s a real surprise”, reacts a political scientist

The New Popular Front finally named its Prime Minister on Tuesday, July 23. Guest on the 19/20 info news on Tuesday, July 23, political scientist Bruno Cautrès looks back at the profile of Lucie Castets.

Several names have been put forward in recent weeks by the New Popular Front since their victory in the legislative elections. Finally, that of Lucie Castets will be proposed to Emmanuel Macron for the post of Prime Minister, the left revealed on Tuesday July 23. “It’s a real surprise. To get out of the total impasse and the labyrinth in which the left has been for the past two weeks, the only solution was to find a name.”reacts political scientist Bruno Cautrès.

The name in question is that of Lucie Castets, a senior civil servant committed to the defense and promotion of public services. According to the specialist, this figure is “a compromise name” which is not directly attached to any of the four coalition formations, namely neither LFI, nor the PS, nor the Ecologists nor the communists. “We witnessed a terrible game of ping-pong between the Socialist Party and La France Insoumise, so the only solution was to find someone who was outside”underlines Bruno Cautrès, affirming that the name of Lucie Castets had not been put forward for the moment.

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