Saudi Arabia to host first esports Olympics in 2025

(Lausanne) Saudi Arabia will host the first esports Olympic Games in 2025, which will be held there “regularly” for 12 years, the International Olympic Committee announced on Friday.

This designation, the result of several months of reflection to organize an event distinct from the classic Games, must still be approved by the 142e IOC session, which will be held on July 23 and 24 in Paris.

But this step is a formality and the oil monarchy is strengthening its influence in world sport a little more, as it is hosting more competitions (football, Formula 1, horse riding, boxing) and must be officially designated at the end of the year – it is the only one in the running – as the host country of the 2034 World Cup.

In a statement, IOC chief Thomas Bach praised the “great – if not unique – expertise” of the Saudi National Olympic Committee (NOC) in esports, while the kingdom claims “more than 23 million players”, according to Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Faisal, Saudi Minister of Sports.

“The work will begin with the selection of a city and a site for the first edition of the Olympic Games of esports, as well as the development of a precise calendar of the event, the titles to be included, the qualification process for the players,” the IOC details. It invites “international federations that have already launched an electronic version of their sport” to join the future competition.

Aware of the controversies surrounding the rise in sporting power of the Gulf kingdom, suspected by its detractors of seeking to divert international attention from its human rights violations, Thomas Bach assured that he had ensured “that the Olympic values ​​are respected” by this partnership.

The IOC particularly insists on the “rapid development” of Saudi women’s sport, “regulatory reforms” guaranteeing female representation on the boards of directors of all sports federations, as well as equal pay for male and female athletes selected for the national team.

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