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The office of the National Assembly refused to lift the parliamentary immunity of the deputy for Gironde, referred to the criminal court for harassment on his ex-partner. The elected rebellious asks Richard Ferrand for explanations.
“I hope that the President of the National Assembly will come out of his silence and his culpable complicity”, launches on Saturday January 8 on franceinfo the deputy La France Insoumise Clémentine Autain. She denounces the refusal of the National Assembly to lift the parliamentary immunity of the deputy of Gironde Benoît Simian (Libertés et Territoires, ex-LREM), referred to the criminal court of Bordeaux for harassment on his ex-partner.
“The magistrates asked the National Assembly to rule to lift its parliamentary immunity. I was sitting in the office of the Assembly when the decision was taken, on the sly, with an agenda where it was not clear. J really felt like I was being fooled by the President of the National Assembly and the entire office “, denounces Clémentine Autain.
In December 2020, the office of the National Assembly rejected the request for the waiver of immunity formulated by the Bordeaux prosecutor’s office, considering that Benoît Simian had “always referred” summons to justice and free hearings. “He responds to his summons” continues the member, “but he cannot be taken into custody. However, we know very well that with these cases, police custody is an important moment to intimidate and ensure that the man does not go further . “
“Parliamentary immunity is not meant to protect men who abuse their wives.”
Clémentine Autain, MP La France Insoumiseto franceinfo
“I hope that the President of the National Assembly will come out of his silence and his culpable complicity. When I expressed these words to the Assembly, there was a chilling silence, I did not see anyone take it down and cause to say that it is unacceptable, at the very moment when we said that this violence is unbearable “, launches the member. “At some point, the president of the National Assembly has to bang his fist on the table.”
Contacted by franceinfo, the presidency of the National Assembly did not respond to our requests.
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