Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday June 24, 2024
Reading time: 47 min

The Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday June 24, 2024. Legislative legislation, economic projects, fears in the event of a victory for the RN… He answered questions from Jérôme Chapuis and Benjamin Sportouch.
“The lives of the French, depending on the choice they make on July 7, will profoundly change”
For Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, “it’s never too late” to see that we must change the way of governing. Asked about the letter published Sunday June 23 by Emmanuel Macron, addressed to the French, he supports the choice of the President of the Republic, one week before “the election which will undoubtedly have the most serious consequences on history, since the creation of the Ve Republic in 1958.” The minister adds that “the legislative elections are the choice of the deputies” and not a vote of confidence in the President. He calls for studying the projects and not the candidates. “The projects are so divided today, particularly on the economic level, that we will see that the lives of the French, depending on the choice they make on July 7, will profoundly change.”
“The extreme left, like the extreme right, are also harmful to the country”
“Both will take the country straight into the wall and honking”declares Bruno Le Maire about the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, and the leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who are both seeking the post of Prime Minister in the event of victory in the legislative elections. “The extreme left and the extreme right are just as harmful from an economic point of view as from a values point of view”adds the Minister of the Economy. “These are two leftist projects, of Marxist inspiration. What are they trying to do? Always more spending”scathes the minister, seeing in the economic programs of the alliance of left parties and the National Rally “dead ends”. He assures that “the only economically responsible path is the one we are proposing.”
“The big joke is always possible and I can see how attractive it can be today”he believes. “But let no one come and cry afterwards because we have not warned the workers that their purchasing power will fall, that industries will shrink and that investments will fall”warns the host of Bercy since 2017, before addressing the workers tempted by the National Rally as well as the left. “Some will rob you because they will eliminate the tax exemption for overtime and others will destroy the revival of industrial production that we had initiated”develops the government’s number two. “Both projects are bad for industry, bad for workers and bad for popular categories”he summarizes, “don’t let yourself be fooled by the programs presented to you by the extreme left and the extreme right.”
“I fear for civil peace”
The Minister of Economy and Finance also warns of the dangers posed by a victory of the National Rally over the “French society”. “I fear for relations between citizens. I fear for serenity. I fear for civil peace, the peace of French society, because the National Rally may well show a friendly face today, as soon as you enter the back room is much less rosy”, he denounces. Citing the reversals of the RN during the legislative campaign, Bruno Le Maire fears that the “great denial of the National Rally” drive “to a great renunciation and an immense disappointment”arousing “very deep anger” in the country. “I do not see the National Rally at all as a factor of stability and peace in our country”he adds.
Watch the show in full: