in the industrial town of Le Creusot, people “are proud to vote RN and want change”

In this town of Saône-et-Loire, the majority of residents voted for National Rally in the European elections with 36.6% for the list led by Jordan Bardella.


Reading time: 2 min

In Le Creusot, the abstention rate during the 2024 European elections was also higher than the national average, by more than 54%.  (MATHILDE LEMAIRE / RADIO FRANCE)

The President of the Republic has made it a main axis of his five-year term: reindustrialization in France. Emmanuel Macron announced in 2023 the creation of an electric battery factory in the North (Dunkirk) but also the relaunch of nuclear power with numerous companies in this sector, very present in Burgundy-Franche-Comté (Chalon-sur-Saône, Belfort, Le Creusot).

In Le Creusot, in Saône-et-Loire, industry is everywhere. Alstom’s headquarters is in the city center. A large poster calling for recruitment at Framatome, a company specializing in nuclear power, is visible. There is also Industeel, Thermodyn… The sector is doing very well with busy order books. “Everyone is recruiting. We can see it clearly. We want to reindustrialize. So much the better, but unfortunately, we will be dependent on what happens.”warns Patrick Merliaud, secretary of the metallurgy union in Burgundy.

In 2023, Framatome has hired nearly 600 people in the department. As the legislative elections approach, the energy aspect of the programs is being closely scrutinized. “Indeed, the first to speak about nuclear power will really get noticed, that could play a role”, admits the one who is also an employee at Framatome. In the European elections, Jordan Bardella came first in Le Creusot, 36.6%, far ahead of Valérie Hayer and Raphaël Glucksmann, both around 14%. The National Rally supports the creation of new nuclear power plants.

“It’s a choice that is very difficult because we want to bring out a program solely on energy. I think that all parties have to gain from finding, in the climate crisis which is currently affecting us, a path between nuclear and non-nuclear approach which would allow us to ask the question about the real social program for France. It is still the social program which is the most important.supports Camille, who also works at Framatome.

However, he understands this rise of the National Rally in his city. “There is enthusiasm. People are proud to vote RN, want change and think it is a solution” he continues.

Others, like Valéry, explain it by being fed up with the situation and the presidential party. “For me, it’s a sanction vote. Afterwards, they are votes and it still represents a certain number of people who express themselves and perhaps in anger”he explains.

Dhe residents who vote against someone rather than for ideas. This is what Mickaël assumes: “I am not at all for Macron’s side. He is a smooth talker and everything he says in fact, he does not do. We are not necessarily the most to be pitied because the level of Life here is still decent. But afterward, if I vote, it’s not just for my town either, it’s for the whole country. Why not give someone else the chance. see if things really change?asks Mickaël.

In the last elections, the city of Saône-et-Loire recorded an abstention rate higher than the national average of more than 54%.

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