Election campaign for the presidential election

The word eco of the day it is the word “campaign”. Decryption with Isabelle Raymond, head of the eco service at franceinfo.

franceinfo: Why this choice of the word “campaign” today?

Isabelle Raymond: Yes, as an electoral campaign for the presidential election.
Because that’s it, it is well and truly launched. Even in the camp of the candidate not yet declared, Emmanuel Macron, who is even starting to distill his economic proposals.

Reread his interview with the readers of the Parisian this week ; we especially remember that the head of state “pissed off” the unvaccinated. But there is not only that in this river interview. So on inheritance taxes, he is not among those who think that they should be increased. On the contrary, he says. Emmanuel Macron evokes what he calls popular transmission, we must support people to help them transmit the heritage he describes as “modest”.

The president obviously remains vague on the details, but it is said, thrown into the campaign: Emmanuel Macron does not intend to increase the inheritance tax. From there to lowering them for the smallest amounts, or to facilitate successions, it is a guess.

And this is not the only economic proposal put forward by the president, not yet a candidate?

Another small stone thrown in the path of the candidacy, the idea of ​​a universal income of activity, the fusion of all the social benefits. This is not the first time that Emmanuel Macron speaks about it, it has already been considered, never implemented and mentioned again Thursday, January 6 by the President of the Republic in front of the Solidarity actors gathered in congress; a good idea therefore, again, for a second term.

Other relatives of the President of the Republic go even further in the proposals?

Yes, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, yesterday took advantage of his best wishes to the press, the last of the five-year term, masked and spaced, I reassure you,
to outline what could be the economic program of the future candidate Macron.

Restore France’s industrial power while restoring public finances, with, beyond this general ambition, a few concrete proposals, particularly fiscal ones, for businesses, continue to lower production taxes and then continue to lower costs work. And then, Bruno Le Maire evokes a drop in charges for the highest salaries, above two and a half minimum wage (knowing that today there is almost no employer social contribution up to 1.6 minimum wage. ).

Here are some concrete proposals, mentioned in front of the entire French economic press no later than this Friday, January 7. Will the candidate president take them on his own? Here is what in any case always sketch a little more clearly the contours of a program within the framework of a campaign, which will undoubtedly begin officially as late as possible for the President of the Republic.

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