A study by the French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, published Thursday, indicates that 56% of animal or plant species threatened in France are not protected.
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More than half – 56% – of endangered animal or plant species in France are not protected. This is the result of a study by the French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, published Thursday June 13. Hundreds of endangered animals and plants are not subject to any protection order.
The Brown Nymph of the mangroves, a butterfly from Martinique, the angelfish, a fish from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, the Nomiaia of the Alps, a small spider… In total, 1,610 threatened species are not protected in France. They are especially the most little known, explains Florian Kirschner, of the IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature: “There are many birds that are protected, mammals, reptiles or amphibians… Conversely, some species really lack protection. This is the case of marine fish, dragonflies, spiders or even plants. They are less on the conservation radar which creates gaps in protection.”
The disparity is also geographical: threatened species from overseas are more neglected than those from mainland France. They therefore do not benefit from the effects of the protection orders. “Protection protects against the destruction of individuals, the destruction of nests, trade and the destruction of the natural habitats of these species”explains Florian Kirschner.
The IUCN is therefore calling for these rules to be extended to hundreds of new species but also to reduce the pressure on ecosystems: “Protection does not solve everything. What is essential is to stop pollution or overfishing or land development that destroys valuable natural habitats.” Among these unprotected species, more than 300 are “critically endangered” according to the IUCN, final category before extinction.