The Caisse recommends a tramway for Quebec

(Quebec) The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) recommends a tramway for the capital and does not see the need for a third highway link, according to information from several media confirmed by The Press.

CDPQ Infra must unveil tomorrow its study on mobility in the greater Quebec region, commissioned by the Legault government last November. According to our information, the Fund is even ready to become project manager of the project, the costs of which had exploded, without however becoming operator. This solution is viewed favorably by the government.

In its study, the broad outlines of which were first revealed by Radio-Canada, CDPQ Infra however recommends returning to the route between Le Gendre and Charlesbourg. This is the route originally proposed by Régis Labeaume in March 2018 when he announced the tram project. Charlesbourg had since been replaced by D’Estimauville after an intervention by the Legault government.

CDPQ Infra would recommend going to D’Estimauville in a second phase of the project, and to Lebourgneuf as a third link. The study would also recommend shortening the tram trains, to reduce the size of the tunnel between Upper and Lower Town – and therefore the costs – in addition to saving certain mature trees. The wired power network would also be abandoned in certain denser areas of the capital, thanks to battery power.

The Caisse also analyzed six routes for a possible third link, but would not retain any of them. However, she notes that it could be appropriate to establish a rapid bus service in Lévis, on Boulevard Guillaume-Couture.

The Caisse’s report was presented to the CAQ caucus of the Capitale-Nationale on Monday, again according to the state corporation.

– With Tommy Chouinard, The Press

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