unions widely call for strike in schools on January 13

“By his words and his actions, Jean-Michel Blanquer has lost all legitimacy as Minister of National Education,” said the teachers’ union SNUipp-FSU, which denounces the health situation in schools.

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“It’s just no longer possible”The vast majority of teachers’ unions call for a national strike Thursday, January 13 in schools, colleges and high schools, denouncing “an indescribable mess” in establishments due to the Covid-19 epidemic. In a statement released on Friday January 7, the teachers’ union SNUipp-FSU calls for a national strike on Thursday January 13 “to put an end to contempt and lies and bring the conditions of a secure school under Omicron”.

“As expected, the epidemic situation reached peaks of contamination. The Minister of Education continues to make the choice to keep schools open ‘whatever the cost'”, denounces the union, blaming it for the reduction in the health protocol decided on Thursday evening.

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The SE-Unsa also calls on teachers and other stakeholders “to go on strike in schools, colleges and high schools on January 13, to make the minister understand that the school and its staff can no longer hold up with impractical protocols that change from day to day”, wrote the union in a press release.

During the day, the Snes-FSU, Snalc, CGT Educ’action, Sud Education and FO unions also announced that they were joining this call for a national strike.

“It is a question of reviewing the protocol with in particular the return to the protective rule ‘a positive case = closing the class’, the isolation of intrafamily contact cases and a policy of systematic weekly preventive saliva tests “, asks the Snuipp-FSU. The staff “must now be equipped with surgical masks, and FFP2 for those who wish, self-tests must be provided to them and classrooms and catering rooms equipped with CO2 sensors”.

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