Niger | More than 269 American soldiers out of 946 have already left the country

(Niamey) More than 269 American soldiers out of 946 have already left Niger, following an agreement signed in May between Washington and the military regime in Niamey which wanted this departure, the two parties announced Friday in a joint press release published in Niamey.

“Since the signing of the agreement on the withdrawal of American troops on May 19, 2024, more than 269 elements out of 946 and several tons of equipment have already left Niger,” indicates the press release signed by the chief of staff of the Niger Army, Colonel Mamane Sani Kiaou, and Major General Kenneth Ekman, of the American Department of Defense.

It was published on the occasion of a ceremony at military base 101 in Niamey organized for the departure of other American soldiers whose number was not specified and which, specifies the text, marks “the official start of the withdrawal of American military personnel and equipment.

This new departure aboard a C130, “marks the start of a series of several rotations of large aircraft for the repatriation of personnel and equipment in accordance with the agreement of May 19.”

This “disengagement agreement” of American troops specified that forces had already left Niger and that the last American soldier must have left “no later than September 15, 2024”.

It was concluded two months after the denunciation of the military cooperation agreement with the United States by the Niamey regime, which came to power through a coup d’état in July 2023.

“In order to allow for an orderly and safe withdrawal, a joint disengagement commission has been set up to facilitate coordination,” said Friday’s press release.

He adds that “both parties are committed to sparing no effort for the success of this withdrawal”, in particular for “the protection and security of American forces”.

They also undertake “to continue cooperation in areas of common interest” and “recall that this withdrawal of American forces will have no impact on current relations” between Washington and Niamey.

After the coup d’état which overthrew the designated president Mohamed Bazoum, the military regime demanded the departure of soldiers from the former French colonial power who were participating in the fight against the jihadist groups striking Niger. The last French soldier left on December 22.

Niamey then obtained the withdrawal of the Americans who notably had a drone base in Agadez (north) used in the anti-jihadist fight.

At the same time, Niamey moved closer to Russia, which sent instructors and military equipment in April and May.

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