ask your questions about the vote to our journalists before the end of the campaign



The candidates for the European elections are throwing their last forces into the battle, 48 hours before the deadline and before the start of the reserve period, Friday at midnight. Franceinfo answers your questions about this election.

What there is to know

The last straight line. The European election campaign ends on Friday June 7, at the end of a final day of efforts for the lists involved in France. At midnight, the reserve period will begin until Sunday, 8 p.m., and the publication of the estimates and then the results. Do you have questions about the voting methods, the role of the European Parliament, the issues in France? You can ask your questions in the live comments (at the bottom of this page). To help you see more clearly, our journalists respond until noon on the chat, then from 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the franceinfo radio antenna. Follow our live stream.

Valérie Hayer in Mayenne, Raphaël Glucksmann in Lille. Before the political silence of the reserve period, the candidates responded to the media and organized activist events to try to convince the undecided, like Valérie Hayer (Renaissance and allies) in Mayenne and Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-Place publique) in Lille.

Several countries have started voting. Dutch voters were the first to cast their ballots on Thursday, while the Irish did so on Friday. As for the Czechs, they can choose their European deputies on Friday and Saturday, while most elections will be held on Saturday and especially Sunday on the Old Continent. Estimates and results will be communicated on Sunday evening for all EU countries.

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    #EUROPEAN Hello, how do we vote on Sunday? At what time is it? Do you need your card? #WEREPLY

    Margaux Duguet

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Dear Cecilette, polling stations open at 8 a.m. and the closing time depends on the municipalities. For the smallest, it is often 6 p.m. while in large cities, you can go to the voting booth until 7 p.m., or even 8 p.m. (this is when the first estimates will be revealed). You can absolutely vote without your voter card, it is optional. You must nevertheless have an identity document, it is obligatory.
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    #EUROPEAN Hello, what exactly is a federal Europe? THANKS 🙂 #WEREPLY

    Thibaud Le Meneec

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Good morning @Ahinque, it is rather complex to answer in a few lines, but let’s try anyway! The project for a federal Europe consists of granting more powers to the various institutions of the European Union, on the economic, political and even military levels, with fewer prerogatives for the 27 member states.

    I’ll give you an example that already exists: on the monetary level, the European Central Bank is an outcome of federal Europe, because the power to conduct the EU’s monetary policy belongs to a supranational institution, and not to the States.

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    #EUROPEAN Hello, what are the positions of the European candidates regarding the conflict in Ukraine? #WEREPLY

    Thibaud Le Meneec

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Good morning @Fantomas, it is a vast subject, central in this campaign. Valérie Hayer (Renaissance and allies) wants to continue financial and material support for Ukraine, with the objective of rearming Europe, a position similar to that of the ecologist Marie Toussaint. Very Europhile, Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-Place publique) also wants “rearm” the continent and Ukraine, which François-Xavier Bellamy (LR) also defends. More nuanced, Manon Aubry (LFI) wants to create “a diplomatic framework enabling a ceasefire, the withdrawal of Russian troops, and the opening of negotiations for a lasting peace”.

    For his part, Jordan Bardella (RN) refuses any escalation with Moscow and denounces the increased military support from Paris to kyiv. For Marion Maréchal (Reconquest), “it is not up to France to wage war instead” of Ukraine. Our colleagues from Release devoted a detailed article to this question.
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    #EUROPEAN Hello, why not make like other countries a single ballot that we would check. Better representativeness and economy of pap #WEREPLY

    Margaux Duguet

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Good morning @TarahIndeed, the single ballot where the citizen checks a box is used in several countries, such as Germany, Belgium or the United States. As I explained to you earlier, in France, the printing of ballot papers is the responsibility of the candidates and not the State. Several parliamentarians are nevertheless pushing for this single ballot with bills already tabled on the subject, like in the Senate in 2019but these were never materialized.
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    #EUROPEAN Hello, does Raphaël Glucksmann advocate federal Europe as I read somewhere? #WEREPLY

    Thibaud Le Meneec

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Good morning @vidoc41the head of the Socialist Party-Public Square list defends in any case in his program a “assumed federal progress” in order to “building a European political power”. By 2030, he wishes “a major treaty for the reunification of the European continent which will also be a treaty for the deepening, federal progress and democratization of the European Union”which contrasts with what other left-wing lists want, such as La France insoumise or the Communist Party.
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    #EUROPEAN We did not receive any election propaganda. No professions of faith, no bulletins, nothing at all…. Is this normal? #WEREPLY

    Margaux Duguet

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Regarding electoral propaganda, the mailings may still reach your home by tomorrow. If you have not received anything by then, I invite you to go to the website of the Ministry of the Interior which lists the candidates’ program or on our article dedicated to this subject!
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    #EUROPEAN On the electoral panels in front of the polling stations in my town, there are today around ten lists represented. No more. And for the longest time, there was only one. Is this normal? How do small lists make themselves known if there are no posters? And what’s the point of installing 30 panels for nothing? #WEREPLY

    Margaux Duguet

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Good morning @Florine92, the electoral code provides that the metal panels must be installed by the municipalities (which has also posed some problems some with 38 candidate lists) but it is then up to the candidates (rather their teams) to stick the posters on these panels. I invite you to read this article from France 3 on why so many electoral signs remain without posters.
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    #EUROPEAN Hello, will there be ballots from all parties? #WEREPLY

    Margaux Duguet

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Excellent question @jcr72 ! In France, the printing of ballot papers is the responsibility of the candidates, recalls this article from World. However, not all lists have the same financial resources, in particular for small candidates who will not make more than 3% and will therefore not obtain reimbursement of their campaign costs. This is why several lists chose to print only a limited number of ballot papers and called on their voters to print theirs before going to the polls.
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    #EUROPEAN Hello FI, could you explain the different rules applicable depending on the country to obtain seats in the European Parliament? I saw that in Germany it is enough to have 2% to have two elected officials. In France, nothing below 5%. For what ? THANKS. #WEREPLY

    Margaux Duguet

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Good morning @juanlucky, As you know, the European elections are a one-round, proportional election. In other words, the more votes a list collects, the more seats it obtains. But this general rule has singularities depending on the country. In France, for example, to obtain several seats, a list must collect at least 5% of the votes, it is 4% in Italy, 3% in Greece, while in Germany there is no threshold. “There is currently no electoral threshold for elections to the European Parliament in Germany, due to a 2014 decision by the German Federal Constitutional Court, which declared the 3% electoral threshold unconstitutional.”precise the website of the European Parliament.
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    #EUROPEAN Hello, I heard nothing during the European campaign on the social and solidarity economy, which nevertheless represents 10% of private employment in France and for which we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ESS law known as the “Hamon law”. How do candidates approach the question? #WEREPLY

    Thibaud Le Meneec

    franceinfo 0 seconds ago

    Good morning @bern12this theme is addressed much more by the lists of the left than of the right and the extreme right. Manon Aubry (LFI) wants for example “promote the social and solidarity economy (ESS) in the allocation of state aid”while Marie Toussaint (Les Ecologistes-EELV) hears “launch a new deployment plan” of this sector.
    For his part, Raphaël Glucksmann (PS) aims to promote the ESS in “proposing a tax system adapted to the organizations responding to it”. Léon Deffontaines and the communists boast a “asset for overcoming capitalism”but they also wish “the removal of existing directives on the social and solidarity economy”who have “aims to force ESS structures to behave like private companies”.

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