the administration by a third party of the lethal substance will be examined again “in the following articles”, assures MP Olivier Falorni

The general rapporteur of the bill on the end of life deplores the vote of the deputies who adopted article 5 of the bill dedicated to the end of life by removing the possibility given to a third party to administer the lethal substance. But “this question will come up again” he assures.


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Modem deputy Olivier Falorni, May 29, 2024. (AMAURY CORNU / HANS LUCAS via AFP)

“Even if this vote was not in accordance with my wishes, I take note of this decision”commented Thursday June 6 on franceinfo Olivier Falorni, related MoDem deputy, general rapporteur of the bill on the end of life while the National Assembly voted against the intervention of a close third party to administer the lethal substance. “I am convinced that this question will come up in subsequent articles”he added.

Some MPs are in favor of assisted dying, but some consider that “it was putting too heavy a psychological weight on the shoulders of a loved one”, explained Olivier Falorni. The MP, who is a member of the honorary committee of the Association for the Right to Die with Dignity, admits that this question has “strongly questioned”. He recalls that when he defended a bill in 2021, he did not propose “the possibility for close people to intervene. I considered that it was a technical act, a professional act which required the presence and intervention of a doctor or nurse”he stressed.

Olivier Falorni recalls that, in all cases, Article 5 did not offer the possibility of “a person close to administering the lethal substance in the absence of a healthcare professional”. According to him, “this is not a trivial act, it is a technical act, it is an act which can actually have psychological consequences. The presence of a health professional was necessary whatever happens”he assures.

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